Junnan Jiang (蒋俊南)

I am now a master student in Institute of Technology Sciences, Wuhan University. Advised by Prof. Miao Li. My research areas include robotic perception, grasping and manipulation. I obtained my bachelor's degree from School of Automation Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 2021.

Email: elevenjiang8 [at] gmail [dot] com

Github: https://github.com/elevenjiang1

Research Interests: Robotic Grasping, Computer Vision, Robotic Manipulation

中文版本个人简介: 蒋俊南个人简历.pdf


  • Cleaning robot with robot arm.
  • Data generation.
  • Large language model.
Hans Robot
  • Eye-on-Hand camera for internal wiring of robotic arms.
  • Configuration based programming for 2D vision
  • Basic visual 2D and 3D tasks, hand-eye calibration, plane alignment, spatial point selection, workpiece 6D pose estimate, etc.
  • Basic QT code for delivering projects.
Tencent RoboticsX Internship
  • Responsible for the whole development process of the chess robot. Including system calibration, chessboard recognition, robot arm control, embedding development. And also participate in exhibition plaform interaction design, front-end UI display, chess algorithm deployment.
  • Use EMG signal to control dexterous hand (ShadowHand, AllegroHand) to play the piano.


ObjectInHand Dataset [Project Website]
  • A real-world dataset is collected based on teleoperation, using Shadow hand equipped with tactile sensor of BioTac. And a novel PoseFusion network is proposed to select the three estimated pose candidates and thus can well address the problem of corrupted data.
  • Paper "PoseFusion: Robust Object-in-Hand Pose Estimation with SelectRNN" Yuyang Tu, Junnan Jiang, Shuang Li, Norman Hendrich, Miao Li and Jianwei Zhang, (Accepted by IROS, co-first author).
Grasping Dataset Augmentation [pdf] [video]
  • Generate new data that leverage the feature of original high rarity and graspness shapes, which are both rare in a grapsing dataset, to improve the quality of the grasping dataset.
  • Paper "Improving Robotic Grasping Ability Through Deep Shape Generation" Junnan Jiang, Yuyang Tu, Xiaohui Xiao, Zhongtao Fu, Jianwei Zhang, Fei Chen, Miao Li, (Accepted by ICIRA).
Ultrasound Robot [pdf]
  • The approach leverages teleoperation for data collection, adopts a sampling-based method for imitation learning, and utilizes a Masked AutoEncoder for multimodal fusion encoding.
  • Paper "Learning Autonomous Ultrasound via Latent Task Representation and Robotic Skills Adaptation" Xutian Deng, Junnan Jiang, Wen Cheng, Miao Li (Accepted by RSS workshop).
Grasping Ability Transfer [pdf]
  • Using contrastive learning techniques for data transfer at the grasping feature level, enabling grasping ability transfer across different scenes. The main benefit of this method is that it is no need to re-label grasping data in the new scenes.
  • Paper "GraspAda: Deep Grasp Adaptation through Domain Transfer" Yiting Chen, Junnan Jiang, Ruiqi Lei, Yasemin Bekiroglu, Fei Chen, Miao Li, (Accepted by ICRA).
Robotmaster Competition [video] [code]
  • Responsible for the whole field recognition of the radar station, uses binocular cameras to detect and locate robots in the field, and develops semi-automatic labeling software, using tracking, background subtraction and other methods for data labeling.
  • Responsible for the autonomous moveing of engineering vehicles, use a depth camera to detect resource stations in the field, and control the vehicles to move autonomously to the resource stations.
  • Coordinate the barrel improvement task, upgrade the robot mechanism with mechanical and embedded students, and capture the projectile launch distribution with a high frame rate camera, and gain experience in machining methods and project schedule management.


  • Robots
  • Teams
  • Travel
Ultrasound-Puncture Robot

From polishing and peg in hole to ultrasound scanning and puncture-needle penetration.

First Grasping System

The first grasping platform I built, I didn't know the difficulty of grasping until I actually started and expected the robot to grasp various objects.


ShadowHand, Realsense, UR10, although there is still a big gap, at least they look like human in shape.

Intelligent Car Race

National University Students Intelligent Car Race, we control the car with PID and Deep Learning. Of course PID is better ^_^;

Picking Apple Robot

The first project with a robot arm! The first independent project! Including perception, planning and execution, pain but joy, and learn a lot!


AllegroHand, the first dexterous hand I've seen, easy to use, stable, fast speed, but not as dexterous as the ShadowHand.


One night in the last year of high school, this robot drew me into the field of robotics!

©Junnan Jiang. All rights reserved